WISE ==== WISE is a pre-processor to MAD-X generating LHC error estimates based upon measurements, statistics and error simulation. WISE is made by TE/MSC in collaboration with other people in TE and BE. WISE is implemented as two Excel workbook (.xls) files with numerous sheets and macros. The folder structure under \\wise.web.cern.ch\wise is: Doc -> WISE report Release -> The code and scripts to run WISE Other -> Studies and support code used for development Installation =============== The following files in the Release folder should be copied to a folder on the PC. wise.xls wise_data.xls unix-wrapper.txt wise-template.madx The files in the folder "MAD-X Support" should be copied to UNIX (CERN LXPLUS) where they will be used by the WISE generated scripts. MS Office ========= WISE has been developed and used with MS Office 2003 and 2007 Getting started =============== Use the Simulation menu inside WISE.XLS Holding the mouse over choices gives short explanations. 'What if' statistcal scenarios can be done by manipulating the numerous tables in the 'Summary' sheet. These tables control the data driven simulation. The folder "MAD-X Analysis" contains some simple Excel files to post-process output from MAD-X. How to run MAD-X scripts generated by WISE ========================================== WISE generates batch files suitable to run under UNIX There is one batch file for each beam *-b1 *-b2 Each simulation iteration is run sequentially, although each beam simulation can be run in parallel. Separate simulations can also be run in parallel, because WISE adds a static, unique batch id for each job to avoid clashes in the file system. Please refer to WISE report in \\wise.web.cern.ch\wise\doc Quality assurance ================= Please contact author before using WISE blindly to generate errors for anything used to make decisions about LHC optics. The reason being to see if underlying assumptions inside WISE + current data and validation is appropriate. Contact person ============== per.hagen@cern.ch